Jun 10, 2021 | Healthy Tidbits, Jerky Tips, Recipes
Beef jerky. It’s everyone’s favorite on-the-go snack. Like a lot of other beef jerky enthusiasts, you’ve likely been curious about which part of the cow the jerky comes from. There’s no one correct answer to this question because jerky can be made from just about any...
May 7, 2021 | Healthy Tidbits, Jerky Tips, Recipes
With summer right around the corner, we’re all counting down to those warm nights when we can safely gather together outside on our porches and enjoy one another’s company. But every good host knows that the key to an unforgettable night is an unforgettable meal. Get...
Apr 10, 2021 | Healthy Tidbits, Jerky Tips
Jerky has gotten a bad rap in the past. “Sure, it’s delicious,” people will say, “but what about all that sodium and processed meat? What about the preservatives they use?” We feel the same way, which is why we set out to make our jerkies...